How to find exponent power of a number in JavaScript

In this article, we will learn how to find the power of a number in JavaScript.

Here is a small example of getting the exponent power of a number.

62 = 6 * 6 , the value is 36.

Here, 6 is the base number and 2 is the exponent.

JavaScript provides us with a handy function, Math.pow() to perform the above calculation easily.

However, in this article, we will perform the calculation in two different ways using:

  1. Math.pow(), and
  2. for loop

Let’s check each method with an example.

Using Math.pow() to find the power of a number

The Math.pow() in JavaScript returns the base to the exponent power i.e xy value.

It takes two arguments: base and exponent.


Math.pow(base, exponent)
baseThe base number.
exponentthe value used to raise the base number.

Let’s use the function to raise the base number in JavaScript.

const b = 5;
const e = 2;

console.log(Math.pow(5,2)) // 25

This is the easy way to raise a number to a power in Javascript.

However, if you don’t want to use the Math.pow() function, you can code the function manually using for loop.

Using for loop to find the power of a number in Javascript

First, let’s understand how we will code the loop JavaScript function.

Let’s see an example of calculating power of a number.

62 = 6 * 6 , the value is 36 (6 is the base and 2 is the exponent)

So, to perform this using for loop, we have to loop exponent times and multiple the base number on each loop.


function powOfNum(b,e){
  pow = 1;
  for(var i=0; i<e; i++){
    pow = pow*b;
  return pow;

console.log(powOfNum(5,2)) // 25

In the above code, we have created a function powOfNum() , which will take two arguments (b, e) i.e base and exponent.

It then loops the exponent number of times and the multiplied base value is stored in pow , which is returned once the condition (i<e) turns false .

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