How to Remove Last Character from a string in JavaScript

In this article, we will learn how to remove last character from a string in JavaScript.

Here we will be using two in-built JavaScript methods to remove the last character from a string easily.

We will be using slice() and substring() method to slice or trim off the last character from a string.

Method 1 : Using slice() in JavaScript

The slice() method helps us to remove or trim off a character from a string at a specific index. It do not change or modify the original string.



I have a start index and end index to specific which part of the string you want to extract.


var str = "Hello World";
var newStr = str.slice(0, -1);



Hello Worl

Here the starting value is 0 and the end is -1, because a negative index indicate an offset from the end of the string.

The negative index let us to extract / remove character from the end of the string.

If you give -2, it will remove the last two characters from the end of the given string.

Method 2 : Using substring() function

The substring() method in JavaScript remove the characters between two given points: startIndex and endIndex(excluding) and return us a sub-string.

It does not change or modify the original string.


String.substring(indexStart, indexEnd)

IMPORTANT : The character in the startIndex is always included and the character in the endIndex is excluded while extracting the string.


var str = "Hello World";
var newStr = str.substring(0, str.length-1);



Hello Worl

Here the start index is 0 and the end index is str.length-1, and anything between these two points is the extracted string.

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