Solve “No Such File or Directory” Error in Python

Python is a versatile and easy-to-use programming language, so it’s no surprise that it is adapted and used by many large and small companies in today’s world. However, while working with python we might come across some common errors and one such error is the “No Such File or Directory” error.

In this article, we will see the causes and the solutions to fix the “No such File and Directory ” error in Python.

This error occurs when Python is unable to locate a file or a directory that we are trying to access.

Reasons for “No Such File or Directory” Error in Python

This error can occur due to a variety of errors including :

  1. Incorrect File Path: One of the most common causes of the error is the incorrect file path. If you trying to access the file but the path you gave is incorrect, then you will get this error. To avoid make sure you double-check the file path.
  2. Non-existent File or Directory: Another common mistake that can cause the “No Such File or Directory” error is that you are trying to access a file or a directory that does not exist.
  3. Permission issues: Sometimes the error occurs when you do not have proper permission to access the file or directory. To avoid this you need to make sure we have the necessary access permission.
  4. Incorrect File name: Make sure that you use the correct file name in the program that you are trying to access.

How to solve the “No File or Directory” Error in Python

Now, as we know and discussed the common causes, let’s see how we can resolve the error by following the solutions given below.

Solution 1: Check if the File Path is Correct

The first thing you should do when you encounter the error is to check the file path you are providing. Make sure you provide the correct file path in the python program.

To check the file path, we can use the following code in the python program:

import os

file_path = "path/to/"

if os.path.exists(file_path):
    print("File exists at the specified path")
    print("File does not exist at the specified path.")

Solution 2: Create File or Directory if not exist

Another common reason of getting the “No such file or directory” error is that we are trying to access a file or directory that does not exist.

To solve this, we can either write the correct file path of the existing file or directory, or we can create the file or the directory if not found using the following python code:

import os

file_path = "path/to/"

if not os.path.exists(file_path):
    print("File or directory has been created.")
    print("File or directory already exists.")

Here, if the file or the directory does not exist, the os.makedirs() function will create it. And if it already exists, then it will print out “The file or directory already exists.” in the terminal.

Solution 3: Giving correct permission to file and directory

If the correct permission is not given, then the python program will not be able to access the file or the directory.

To `give the correct permission to the file or directory, you can use the following code:

import os

file_path = "path/to/"

os.chmod(file_path, 0o755)

The 755 means read and execute access for everyone. And in Python 3, we have to use 0o as a prefix.

Solution 4: Verify if the filename is correct

This is a common mistake many of us make while programming. We sometimes misspell the name of the file and this causes python to throw us an error.

To solve this, you just need to double-check the file or the directory name. You can also use the same os.path.exists function to check if you have written an incorrect file name like this:

import os

file_path = "path/to/"

if os.path.exists(file_path):
    print("File name is correct.")
    print("File name is incorrect.")

Solution 5: Using the try and except statement

You can also use the try and except statement, in order to catch the “No Such File or Directory” error. This statement helps us to handle the error in a proper way in the python program.

    with open(file_path, "r") as file:
        #do something
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("No Such File or Directory Found!")


The “No Such File or Directory” error occurs in python due to a variety of reasons, including incorrect file or directory path, incorrect file name, permission issues, or non-existent of the specified file or directory.

By using the solution above, you can quickly resolve the error in your program.

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